About me

Kelly Taylor is a young writer of prose and plays. She hails from South Florida, but is currently living in Anaheim, California, where she is earning degrees in creative writing and history at Chapman University. As the Managing Editor of Calliope Art & Literary Magazine and the Sophomore Editor of Voces Novae, she is active in the editing, workshopping, and publishing communities on campus in addition to her participation in the Honors Program.

Don't look down, look Up. The Sky is always beautiful.

Kelly Taylor
The story of

Kelly Taylor

Kelly is a writer of prose and plays in a variety of genres. As a child, she was notorious for the elaborate stories she crafted for her dolls. She’s known she wanted to be a writer since she attended the fifth grade career fair dressed as a novelist. The best hours of her life are spent in quiet spaces listening to audiobooks or shaping her own stories.

In high school, Kelly served a year as the News Editor for the Patriot Post before venturing out of journalism and into more imaginative fields. She received a National Gold Medal from the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards in 2020 for her one act play, The Lovely Lucy. 

Her collegiate experiences include serving on the Editorial Board and as the Managing Editor of Calliope Art & Literary Magazine and as the Secretary of Sigma Tau Delta. This spring, she will also be starting as a Sophomore Editor of Voces Novae, an academic history journal.

After contracting Covid-19 in 2020, Kelly began suffering from post-Covid complications that forced her to be bedridden with severe light sensitivity for eight months. While her symptoms still evade a clear diagnosis, subsequent treatment has allowed her to function with more regularity. She has written several short stories about her illness to spread awareness and reach out to fellow members of the community who are struggling with similar burdens. She is hard at work on an urban fantasy novel that aims at combining her experiences with her expansive imagination.

Academic societies in which she holds active membership:

Works Published
Writing Awards

Writing Awards

Granted from the 2020 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards for Dramatic Script.

Won for Flash Fiction, Dramatic Script, and Writing Portfolio from the regional Scholastic Art & Writing Awards in 2020.

Awarded from District 13 Thespians Festival for Playwriting in Fall 2019.

Received for playwriting from both the 2019 regional Scholastic Art & Writing Awards and the Fall 2018, District 13 Thespians Festival. 

Published Works

Broken Angels

Busted Vessels

Busted Vessels

Post-COVID Syndrome

Post-COVID Syndrome